

U.S. 参议员伯尼·桑德斯

Bernie Sanders is serving his third term in the United States Senate after winning re-election in 2018. 他在美国的前16年.S. House of Representatives make him the longest-serving independent member of Congress in American history. 

1941年出生于布鲁克林, Sanders attended James Madison High School, 布鲁克林学院, 以及芝加哥大学. After graduating in 1964, he moved to Vermont. In 1981, he was elected (by 10 votes) to the first of four terms as mayor of Burlington. 桑德斯在约翰F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, 麻萨诸塞州, and at Hamilton College in upstate New York before his 1990 election as Vermont’s at-large member in Congress. 

The Almanac of American Politics calls Sanders a “practical and successful legislator.在他的职业生涯中, he has focused on the shrinking American middle class and the growing income and wealth gaps in the U.S. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Sanders passed legislation reforming the VA health care system in 2014. Congressional Quarterly said he was able “to bridge Washington’s toxic partisan divide and cut one of the most significant deals in years.” 

今天, Sanders remains on the veterans committee and was tapped by Senate leadership to chair the Senate 健康, 教育, 劳动, 及退休金委员会. He also serves on the Environment and Public Works Committee, where he has focused on global warming and rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. Sanders is a member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where he has championed efforts to transform our energy system from fossil fuels to renewable power sources like solar and wind. He also sits on the Senate Budget Committee, which he was chairman of last Congress, and led the committee’s fight against corporate greed.


  • 2023年:罗纳德. Crutcher D.M.A., president emeritus of Wheaton College and the University of Richmond, 全国高等教育领跑者, 杰出的古典音乐家
  • 2022年:乔纳森·海特博士.D., social psychologist at New York University's Stern School of 业务
  • 2021年:尼拉夫·D. 沙,M.D., J.D., director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • 2019年:尊敬的Janet T. 米尔斯,缅因州州长
  • 2018年:凯瑟琳A. 桑德森,Ph值.D., Manwell Family Professor of Life 科学s (Psychology), Amherst College
  • 2017:弗里曼A. Hrabowski, III, President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
  • 2016: Dr. 小罗伯特·迈克尔·富兰克林.詹姆斯·T. 和Berta R. Laney Professor of Moral Leadership at Emory University, Director of the Religion Department of the Chautauqua Institution
  • 2015: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, President/CEO, Goodwill Industries of Northern New England 
  • 2014年:格雷戈里·W. 鲍威尔,J.D., CEO/President of Dexter Enterprises, Inc, & Chairman of the Harold Alfond Foundation
  • 2013年:美国安格斯·金(I)荣誉博士.S. 缅因州参议员
  • 2012: Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D)
  • 2011年:众议员迈克尔·米肖(民主党)
  • 2010年:哈维五世. Fineberg, M.D., Ph.D., President of the Institute of Medicine
  • 2009年:Rita Colwell博士.D., Nationally-respected Scientist and Educator
  • 2008: John McKernan, Former Governor of Maine
  • 2007: Robert Shetterly, Maine Artist and Author
  • 2006: Joan Benoit Samuelson, Olympic Gold Medalist
  • 2005年:奥林匹亚J. 斯诺,美国缅因州参议员
  • 2004年:亨利·L. P. Schmelzer, President and CEO Maine Community Foundation
  • 2003年:亨利·L. P. Schmelzer, President and CEO Maine Community Foundation
  • 2002: Daniel Wathen, Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Court
  • 2001年:美国国会议员汤姆·艾伦.S. 缅因州的国会议员
  • 2000年:罗伯特·迈克菲, Former President of the American Medical Association, 全球网络赌博平台董事会成员
  • 1999年:苏珊·柯林斯,美国.S. 缅因州参议员
  • 1998年:理查德·麦克弗森
  • 1997: Marvin Wachman博士.D.
  • 1996年:奥林匹亚·斯诺,美国.S. 缅因州参议员 
  • 1995年:朱迪思·艾萨克森
  • 1994:牧师. 约翰·布鲁克斯
  • 1993年:托马斯·安德鲁斯
  • 1992年:多萝西·科顿
  • 1991年:玛丽·加兹登博士.D.
  • 1990:乔治·米切尔 
  • 1989年:安德鲁·麦奎尔
  • 1988: Dr. 大卫·马修斯
  • 1987年:道奇·摩根
  • 1986:道格拉斯·爱德华兹
  • 1985:协会. 卡罗琳·D法官. Glassman, Maine Supreme Judicial Court
  • 1984年:约瑟夫. 我是缅因州州长布伦南
  • 1983年:阿瑟·埃利奥特·莱文博士.D., President, Bradford College (Bradford, MA)
  • 1982: James Russell Wiggins, Editor and Publisher, Ellsworth American
  • 1981年:威廉. 科恩,U.S. 缅因州参议员
  • 1980年:威廉·J. Caldwell, Columnist, Portland Press Herald & 缅因州星期日电报
  • 1979: F. Stephen Larrabee博士.D.国家安全委员会
  • 1978:本杰明·M. 齐格勒,Ph值.D.,阿默斯特学院教育家
  • 1977年:尊敬的雪莉·休伯
  • 1976: Dr. 埃尔莎米. 地中海
  • 1975: Dr. Scott Nearing, Economist, Farmer, and Author
  • 1974年:牧师保罗C. 瑞纳特,圣. 路易斯大学
  • 1973: Dr. Kenneth E. Eble
  • 1972: Dr. Richard Weigle, President, Saint John’s College (Annapolis, Maryland)
  • 1971年:尊敬的肯尼斯. 柯蒂斯
  • 1970年:尊敬的詹姆斯L. 农民,.B., B.D., Assistant Secretrary, Department of 健康, 教育, and Welfare
  • 1969年:弗兰克·莱特阁下.B., L.L.D., Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation
  • 1968: Mr. 埃德温·D. Canham, Editor-in-Chief, Christian 科学 Monitor
  • 1967: Dr. 唐纳德·米. MacKenzie, President, Park College (Parkville, Missouri)
  • 1966:牧师. Bernard Haring, Department of Religious Studies, Brown University
  • 1965: His Excellency The Most Reverand Ernest Primeau, Bishop of Manchester
  • 1964: Dr. 约翰W. McDeVitt, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus
  • 1963: Dr. 菲利普•兰伯特
  • 1962年:Juvenal Lawlor神父
  • 1961:牧师. 爱德华五世. 斯坦福大学
  • 1960年:牧师Msgr. 罗伯特J. 白色
  • 1959: Mr. 威廉·B. 马奥尼
  • 1958年:马克·弗兰克牧师
  • 1957: Dr. 哈利柯南道尔
  • 1956年:凯文·基德牧师
  • 1955年:费尔南德·波特牧师
  • 1954: His Excellency The Most Reverend Daniel J. 捐助